Kad počnete da unosite tekst u polje za pretragu, prikazaće vam se predlozi. Za pregledanje koristite tastere za strelicama nagore i nadolje. Za odabir pritisnite Enter. Ako ste odabrali izraz koji sadrži više riječi, algoritam za pretragu će tražiti taj izraz. Ako je predlog link, u pregledaču će se otvoriti ta stranica.

Razumijevanje statističkih podataka za konverziju

For Hosts who use professional hosting tools, performance data for conversion gives you accurate real-time information to help you turn page views into bookings, and shows you the impact of changes you’ve already made.

The Conversion section shows your performance data across specific time frames, and allows you to compare them to similar listings by region or category.

To access your performance data, go to Insights > Performance > Conversion

Booking conversion

Overall conversion rate shows the average daily number of unique visitors who viewed your listing in search and then booked your stay.

Conversion has 3 stages:

  • First-page search impressions: A guest views your listing in search, sometimes on the first page.
  • Search-to-listing conversion: The guest then clicks through to your full listing page.
  • Listing-to-booking conversion: The guest books your stay.

Booking lead time

This is the average time between booking and the check-in date.

Returning guests

This shows you the percentage of your guests who have previously stayed at any of your listings.

We calculate this by dividing the total number of returning guests by the total number of all guests for each listing, then we average based on how many listings you have.


The number of times your listings have been viewed over a set period. You can compare this to the average for similar listings.

Wishlist additions

This is the average number of times your listings are added to guest wishlists.

For individual listings, we show you the total number of times your listing was added to a wishlist.

Need more help?

Learn more about tracking performance using filters and comparisons.

Note: If your dashboard doesn’t show the Performance tab, you’ll need to opt in to professional hosting tools.

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